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The London-born son of an Italian refugee, John Florio (1553-1625) was raised on the Continent and returned to England to find fame as a translator, language teacher and author. Simon Webb’s book examines the impact of this Renaissance man in Shakespeare’s England.
Friedrich Engels spent more than twenty years in Salford and Manchester, learning the cotton trade and becoming a mill-owner in his own right. Meanwhile he was the co-author of The Communist Manifesto, and funded the life and work of fellow-German Karl Marx. Posing as a respectable Victorian bachelor, Engels also lived a second life with his working-class girlfriend, Mary Burns. Simon Webb’s book brings the story of Engels in ‘Cottonopolis’ up to date by examining new developments, and exploring the relevance of the paradoxical Prussian for the twenty-first century.
Courtier, scholar, politician and, finally, monk, Magnus Aurelius Cassiodorus Senator was a sixth-century Roman who tried to keep the ideal of civilization alive at a time when the empire he served was in its death-throes. Simon Webb’s book is the first new stand-alone biography of this fascinating figure to be published for over forty years.
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A native of Norfolk, Saint Godric of Finchale may have been a pedlar, a sailor and even a pirate before he took up the life of a hermit beside the River Wear near Durham. Simon Webb’s book tells the remarkable story of this twelfth-century holy man, setting it against the background of his turbulent times.
What do Alexander Pope, Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and the actor Peter Dinklage have in common? Simon Webb's new book examines the lives of notable people of short stature.
'Despite the efforts of ancient, medieval and renaissance astronomers, and the labours of Newton, Halley and the Herschels, it was a carpenter’s son from a tiny village in the north of England who first began to glimpse the true nature of the Milky Way'. Simon Webb's new book is the first standalone biography of Thomas Wright (1711-86), astronomer, garden-designer and architect of Byers Green, County Durham.
Stories, poems and essays by Simon Webb inspired by Boccaccio's Decameron and the coronavirus pandemic. Introduced by William Duggan.